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  • Segmentation That MAKES YOU MONEY 💸

Segmentation That MAKES YOU MONEY 💸

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

One of my most asked about topics is segmentation.

How should I segment my list?

How often should I send emails to each segment?

What are the most important segments to make?

I will answer all of these questions today.

Segmentation 101

Segements are subsections of your full email list, a subset of people who meet certain characteristics you provide.

The possibilities are endless, you can segment your list in many many different ways.

Boost Deliverability w/ These Segments

Segmentation allows us to organize our list to adjust how many emails different people receive.

We don’t want to send emails to people who haven’t open an email in over a year or have reported us as spam before… they’ll just hurt our engagement rates and raise red flags for inbox providers.

Use these segments to keep your list in check.

90 Day Engaged List

  • ONLY send email campaigns to this list… no need to send to anybody else because they likely aren;t interested in your brand enough to open emails consistently.

  • Definition

    • Someone can receive email marketing because person is subscribed

    • Someone has opened email at least once in the past 90 days OR clicked email at least once in the past 90 days

    • Someone has bounced email 0 times over all time

Sunset List

  • This is a list of people who don’t deserve to be on our email list anymore and are just raising our Klaviyo bill. Every month you should review these profiles and suppress them (a way to put emails to rest and not send to them, but still have their data just in case you want to unsuppress them in the future)

  • Definition:

    • Someone has opened email zero times in the last 180 days

    • OR someone has bounced email at least once over all time

    • OR someone has marked email as spam at least once over all time

Make More Money w/ These Segments

We can personalize emails for people based on their activity.

The two most common use cases for segmented emails are for abandonments and for product recommendations / cross sells. Here are segments for each.

High-Potential Purchasers

  • These are people who have moved down your funnel but haven’t purchased recently. You can send them extra emails that are a bit more aggressive to get them to buy, such as providing a discount. Alternatively you could go a bit softer by sending social proof.

  • Definition:

    • Someone can receive email marketing because person is subscribed

    • Someone has placed order 0 times in the past 30 days

    • Someone has been active on site at least once in the past 30 days

    • OR someone has viewed product at least once in the past 30 days

    • OR someone has added to cart at least once in the past 30 days

    • OR someone has started checkout at least once in the past 30 days

Interested in X Product / Category

  • This is a segment of people that you can track who have shown any sort of interest in a specific product or category you set. This list can be great to send targeted sales, announcements, or releases related to the item(s) you set.

  • Definition (for category):

    • Someone can receive email marketing because person is subscribed

    • Someone has viewed item where category is [category] at least once over all time.

    • OR someone has added item to cart where category is [category] at least once over all time.

    • OR someone has started checkout with item where collection is [collection] at least once over all time.

    • OR Someone has placed order with item where collection is [collection] at least once over all time.

Free 30 Page Guide With More In-Depth Segmentation Practices

I just created this super helpful doc on everything you need to know about segmentation, you can have it for free!

Email Inspiration Of The Day


Email Design:

Near perfectly executed sale email.

Amazing hero section not trying to do anything crazy. Just displaying the sale and having a clear button and graphic.

Everything about this email just flows and it turns a massive, kind of confusing giveaway sale into an easy to understand promo.


Hero Section Template #7

Here’s a hero section template based similarly off the example that was given. Great for following the same principles but mixing things up!

If you want access to a bank of 134 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here » 

PPS - If you run an ecom brand and want to have a 15 minute strategy session with me, book a call here »