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The Inbox Newsletter

Hey, Max from The Inbox here again.

We all know ChatGPT. We all use it.

But what about for writing emails for us?

Let’s dive in.

AI Isn't Perfect

It's quite easy to tell when something is written by AI… we can probably all agree there.

ChatGPT isn't going to give you the finished product for your copy.

Rather, you should use it as a guide and as a framework.

Using ChatGPT should be an iterative process where you're making edits, asking it to change things around, etc

This framework is a good place to start.

I like to view ChatGPT as our agency’s Sixth Man of The Year.

It’s not taking over a significant position.

But it has an important role that is utilized to help out the team.

Step 1: Prime ChatGPT With Brand and Product Info

We need to tell ChatGPT about our brand before it can write about it.

The more info and context you give it, the better.

Here’s a great priming template and an example:

Prompt Template

"I am going to give you a bunch of background information on my ecommerce brand. I want you to process the information so that I can later ask you to write email marketing copy for me.

My ecommerce brand is called ___ and we sell ____.

Our mission and goal is ___.

Our brand is unique because ____

Our products are unique because ____

My ideal customer is ages ___ with demographic ___. They enjoy ____

For the brand voice they prefer ___

Their goals and aspirations are ____

The customers are unique because ____

Are you ready to write copy based on the topics I give you?"

GymShark Example

"I am going to give you a bunch of background information on my ecommerce brand. I want you to process the information so that I can later ask you to write email marketing copy for me.

My ecommerce brand is called GymShark and we sell high quality gym apparel meant for working out and also for leasurely wearing.

Our mission and goal is Our legacy was built in the weight room. Gymshark was founded with a love for training and that passion continues into all our gym clothes today. You'll find the latest innovation in gym clothing and accessories to help you perform at your best and recover in style.

Our brand is unique because Our Men's Workout Clothes feature sweat wicking workout shirts and tank tops, gym shorts, sweatpants and more. Whilst our Women's Workout Clothes are designed for a range of movements and feature sophisticated seamless technology, clever contouring and durable, quick-dry sweat wicking fabrics on leggings, sports bras and more.

My ideal customer is ages 18-40 with demographic of active gym goers. They enjoy going to the gym, feeling healthy, pushing themselves, eating healthy, working, and achieving goals.

For the brand voice they prefer conversational and motivational. More of like a friendly coach who wants to see them succeed but isn't afraid to give a bit of tough love.

Their goals and aspirations are to progress in the gym everyday and become the best version of themselves possible.

The customers are unique because the gym is a way of life for them. They are also unique because they will wear their gym clothes everywhere if they can.

Are you ready to write copy based on the topics I give you?”

Step 2: Prompt For Campaign

Now ChatGPT knows our brand and has all the info it needs to write copy.

So now we can give it the exact campaign we want written.

Prompt Template

"We are creating a graphic based email campaign with minimal copy to send to our customers. The topic is about ____.

Using the information I gave you on the brand and customer, I want you to write me a quick and punchy headline about the topic.

Then I want you to write a slightly longer sub-headline which goes into 2-3 sentences of copy leading to a SHOP NOW call to action."

GymShark Example

“We are creating a graphic based email campaign with minimal copy to send to our customers. The topic is about our bestsellers and how they are the MVP for you in the gym. They will help you feel comfortable and break your personal records.

Using the information I gave you on the brand and customer, I want you to write me a quick and punchy headline about the topic.

Then I want you to write 2-3 sentences of copy leading to a SHOP NOW call to action.

Step 3: ChatGPT Results and Iteration

Ok, now we’ve got something to go off of.

However, odds are, the copy kinda sucks.

So you’ve gotta ask ChatGPT to give you more options with adjustments.

You can see me make these adjustments in the example GymShark campaign below.

Step 4: Final Touches and Finished Product

Piece together your favorite body copy options and headlines from ChatGPT and then make your own personal adjustments from there.


You now have a higher-converting email.

Example of Full Email

Email Inspiration Of The Day

Nini Organics

Email Design:

What a great idea for the welcome email!

A founder personal video I’m sure is huge for engagement.

The only con is that the video is located on YouTube which adds a step in the customer journey.

It would be better in my opinion to have the video embedded in a page on the website so customers can easily click to shop products.

But still, great idea.

Hero Section Template #15

Kind of an unorthodox template here for your hero sections.

It’s good to mix it up with emails like this!

If you want access to a bank of 100 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here » 

PPS - If you run an ecom brand and want to have a 15 minute strategy session with me, book a call here »