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  • Quick Tip to Boost Coupon Conversions 🏷️💸

Quick Tip to Boost Coupon Conversions 🏷️💸

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

I wanted to talk about a coupon trick we do for some clients that has increased conversions by as much as 50% overnight.

The “WELCOME10” Problem

You see it everywhere…

Almost every brand you sign up with will throw their 10% off code which is just WELCOME10.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of using this kind of code…


  • Easy for the customer to remember

  • Simple to run on Shopify

  • Can be used in image designs rather than using HTML random code


  • Not personalized for the customer, they seem like just another subscriber

  • Urgency on the code expiring won’t work (everybody knows WELCOME10 will not be turned off)

  • Inauthentic

In summary… this code is easy to run however it is inauthentic and doesn’t allow you to use urgency.

Switching to a “Static Random Code”

You could overcome this by using autogenerated codes in Klaviyo but then you have to use Klaviyo’s text which you won’t be able to design… and the codes are long and confusing.

This is why we like to use “Static-Random” codes.

They are setup the exact same way as WELCOME10… but you make the code look random and custom to the customer.

For example, you could create the code “WELCOME-7H4B” in Shopify and use that as the code for every customer in the welcome flow.

Then, it feels custom for the customer which can increase conversions.

It’s also a much easier sell to send “your custom code is expiring” messaging and actually get the customer to convert off of it.

You also have the flexibility of using codes in your design without having to use Klaviyo’s text, which gives you more design freedom.

We’ve seen this increase in conversions in a big way throughout the whole welcome flow.

You can do this for any discount code in your flows… abandonments, post-purchase, winback, etc

Test it out!

Email Inspiration Of The Day

Eight Sleep

Added urgency, listed benefits of the product, and gave simple ways to shop.

Coming from the founder it is personal and adds legitimacy to the messaging.

Great email, they are usually the ones that perform the best!

Product Body Template #26

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Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



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