Do NOT Do this

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

I received this email yesterday… and I am disgusted.

Not actually disgusted lol but it goes against everything I preach.

Let’s break it down.

The Email In Question:

It’s A Beautiful Email…

Looking at the email, it is BEAUTIFUL.

The top image of the sky blending into the background of the bridge section, the use of gradients, the color matching, etc

The graphics in this email are also extremely effective. I love them.

The green bubbles with airplane experiences, the subheadlines and body copy, testimonial section, and small product section at the bottom.

Truly amazing.

What’s Wrong With It?

The length. It’s wayyyyy too long.

I’d be surprised if anybody is reading what I’m writing here right now with how far you have to scroll the email to reach this point.

The longer your email, the higher the likelihood of churn.

People are scared of content and scared of reading.

It’s overwhelming.

People are in zombie mode when they’re going through their emails.

If you throw a whole essay at them with 10+ different points and 500+ words of copy they aren’t even going to try to read it… they’re just going to exit out and go on with their day.

The file size on this email was also massive.

What this means is that the email will load very slow for the customer when they open the email.

If someone has slower internet, they might be waiting 4-5 seconds for some of the image slices to load in… which obviously will hurt conversions.


I would literally remove everything below “Optimized Digestion”.

This way the email stays nice and short and digestible.

I’d like to make a whole other email just on the section below it starting with “Optimized Digestion”.

In fact, you could create whole emails just on the individual points and benefits that were listed. I’d like to ideally do that rather than throw 5 benefits at someone.

The more info you throw at someone the less the chance they’ll remember anything.

The testimonial section can be shortened or used in a whole other email as well.

Just too much going on.

Bottom line, the sections in this email are awesome.

But all together, they are harming conversions because there’s too much going on.

Simplify your email —> skyrocket your conversions.

I talk more about this on my latest YouTube video which is quite the banger… the #1 strategy for email marketing which has you send 3-4 email campaigns per week.

Email Inspiration Of The Day


They choose one single benefit about the product (reduce bloating) and create a quick and digestible email on it.

2 quick sections, simple information, and good lookin graphics.

This is all you need!

Hero Section Template #27

Cool hero sections here using photo galleries which I think are EXTREMELY underrated and under utilized in emails.

If you want access to a bank of 134 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here » 

PPS - If you run an ecom brand and want to have a 15 minute strategy session with me, book a call here »