• The Inbox
  • Posts
  • It's Literally This Easy... 🤣

It's Literally This Easy... 🤣

The Inbox Newsletter

Notice how the Subject Line and Preview Text got you to click pretty fast.

Proof of concept.

Today, we’re talking about Subject Lines and Preview Texts.

(btw - it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter)

Let’s ride.

The REAL Purpose of SLs and PTs

Too many people correlate subject lines / preview texts with open rates.

(In ecommerce specifically).

To be quite honest, your SL and PTs shouldn’t matter for opens.

Your content should be so good…

And your cadence so consistent…

That customers are conditioned to open every email no matter what.

The goal is to get people to open emails based off your sender name.

Example: I’m sure many of you will open any and all of my emails no matter what my SL and PT is.

That’s purely off of long-term, consistently providing value.

So what’s the point of SLs and PTs if they aren’t for opens?

More sales.

Your SL and PT should prime the customer for a purchase in the email.

We’ve had some SLs and PTs generate 3x more than others in A/B tests.

Test your SL styles based off revenue, and less about opens.

Simple Subject Line Framework

Think about your Subject Line as your headline and Preview Text as your subheadline.

Here’s a framework to follow that looks clean, builds intrigue, and will prime your customer for a purchase.

  • 2-5 words in Length

  • Title Case, Like This Sentence

  • Ends with 1-2 emojis

  • Builds curiosity


  • A Taste of Sunshine ☀️

  • Myth. Busted. 👀

  • They’re Finally Here 🤩

  • (the SL of this email)

Simple Preview Text Framework

Don’t overthink it.

Preview texts are just building off of the SL and creating more curiosity.

Here’s a framework to follow that feeds off of the SL:

  • One full sentence long

  • Regular capitalization

  • Ends with …

  • Adds support to the SL


  • This wasn’t supposed to be made, but now it’s a bestseller…

  • It’s available, but the last drop sold out in 24 hours…

  • If you want the cold hard facts, we got them…

  • (the PT of this email)

I created an email marketing agency course.

If you haven’t seen yet, Daniel Fazio (@BlackHatWizard) just dropped a new course and community helping people make their first $1,000 online.

He asked me to be the coach / course creator for email marketing.

So I created a module on email marketing with 13 videos on how to get clients, how to fulfill for clients, and how to scale over 2 hours long.

PS - I did this for free, and I don’t make a single dollar on it. Just wanted to provide for the people.

Check it out here.

Email Inspiration Of The Day



This is a simple sale email framework that you can snatch.

Headline, brief body copy, button, product section.

Absolutely love the product section too (steal this layout).

Show the product and give a 10-word explanation with an individual shop now button.

So simple, so effective.

Variation A (left):
30 minute time delay for Browse Abandon Email #1

Variation B:
15 minute time delay for Browse Abandon Email #1

Typically 15 minutes is too soon for an abandonment email…

But luckily we test for EVERY client.

This particular brand is seeing better revenue and clicks for a super quick reminder email.

For brands that have quick flash sales, this type of result can be common.

Make sure you’re testing!

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you’re an ecom brand doing over $50k per month interested in working with my full stack email marketing agency, book a call here.