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Hero Sections that Actually Convert $$$

The Inbox Newsletter

Hello hello, happy Thursday!

Max here with The Inbox again.

I wish my name was spelled Macks. That would be a lot cooler than Max.


We’re continuing to talk about design today.

Specifically, the hero section.

What is a hero section?

The hero section is the top part of an email.

It only makes up a fraction of your design, but it is by far the most important.

It’s the only part of your email guaranteed to by read by every opener.

In fact, most people will only read the hero section section.

75% of your efforts in design should go to the hero.

Optimize Above the Fold

The "above the fold" section is the section of the email that is viewed without scrolling.

To remove friction for the buyer, we want the above the fold (hero) to have everything the customer needs.

A great Above The Fold includes:

  • Clear headline

  • Strong graphic

  • Clear value prop

  • Clear button

Above the Fold

Top Button

In 95% of cases, you should have a button in your hero and above the fold section.

As mentioned before, not every customer will scroll on your email, so you want a button available in the hero section.

This way EVERY customer has the ability to visit the site and go down the funnel.

Including a top button is an easy low-hanging fruit to automatically improve your click rates.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity always wins.

Adding too much complexity in your emails will overwhelm the customer.

More importantly, complex designs will distract from the whole purpose of the email… to sell.

Keep it light and clear any space around your CTAs so they stand out.


Here are our two most used outlines for our hero sections that are simple and convert like crazy.

Steal ‘em for yourself!

Hero Templates

Want to know how my team creates beautiful and high converting email designs in under 10 minutes?

Watch this new YouTube video: https://youtu.be/Wk52icRhW4s?si=HaQbErgPHDUfnAn2 

Email Inspiration Of The Day


Beauty of an email.

You can copy it:

  • Find one FAQ with your customer

  • Briefly answer the question

  • Offer your product as a solution to the question

  • Less than 100 words

It’s THAT simple… don’t overcomplicate it.

Variation A (top):
Text based email with two CTAs “Shop for Her” and “Shop for Yourself”

Variation B:
Text based email with one CTA “Shop Now”

For this test we used Klaviyo’s feature of sending the test to 5% of recipients and sending the winning test to the remaining 95% after 4 hours.

This was a Mother’s Day email btw.

The email with two CTAs promoting you to shop for her OR shop for yourself ended up winning in terms of clicks.

If you have a gifting campaign, it may be best to include a “Shop For Yourself” CTA…

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you’re an ecom brand doing over $50k per month interested in working with my full stack email marketing agency, book a call here.