Happy Black Friday!

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

It’s Black Friday…

Quick tips for Black Friday

Happy Black Friday!

It’s going to be a crazy day / couple of days.

You’re busy… I’m busy… here are a couple quick tips.

Tip #1: Some Shit Will Go Wrong… Keep Your Cool

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my past experience… it’s that nothing goes to plan. A code will stop working, the site will malfunction, an email will have an error in it, etc

It’s bound to happen in this crazy period.

Just keep your cool. One mistake doesn’t make or break your BFCM.

Accept that something will go wrong so it’s not a shocker when it does happen.

Tip #2: Resend Emails After 4 Hours

If you didn’t have time to make a ton of unique emails for this period, just do more resends.

You want at least 2 touch points per day over the next few days.

Customers really won’t notice if you just resend the same email but with a different Subject Line and Preview Text.

Feel free to resend the same email multiple times if you have to… over BFCM I’d rather oversend than undersend.

Tip #3: Don’t Worry About Deliverability

If you’re worried about BFCM segmentation… don’t be.

This is the one time of year you can let loose and go crazy.

Sending a couple of emails to larger lists won’t do lasting damage to your reputation and put you in the spam folder permanently.

Go crazy this week… then get strict with segmentation over the next 1-2 months to clean up any reputation issues you may have gained over BFCM.

You have my permission!

My BFCM Offer

It wouldn’t be a BFCM without an offer from me…

I’ve just reopened my calendar for the first time in 45 days.

And today I’m giving away 30% OFF flow rebuild projects next 24 hours only.

My team will set up a rock solid email backend system that generates you cash without you doing anything for a one-time payment 30% OFF.

If this interests you, book a call here.

Email Inspiration Of The Day


One simple hero section and a clear offer statement + CTA.

Don’t overcomplicate your BFCM emails… make them as simple as possible.

Hero Section Template #11

Simple and effective hero section you can use for BFCM!

If you want access to a bank of 134 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - I sell email design templates… If you purchase either one of these products you get access to my private community of 600+ members with daily posts from me, access to me for support 24/7, and private calls.

  • 134 Mix and Match design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here »

  • All core 7 email marketing flows fully templatized click here »

PPS - If you run an ecommerce brand above $50k/mo and you want to have a free email strategy consultation with me, book a call here »