Flow Time Delays 🤔

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

I get asked a lot about time delays in flows… so let’s talk about it.

Flow Time Delays?

There are 2 types of time delays in your flows (automated emails).

The first is the Trigger Delay, which is the time between the action and the first email.

The second is the Follow Up Email Delay, which is the time between your emails.

We’ll talk about them both here with some recommendations for every core flow.

Trigger Delays

These are my recommended time delays to separate the action in the flow vs the first email.

Welcome Flow (joins list): 
NO time delay (send a welcome email immediately)

Site Abandon Flow (views site and leaves):
1-4 hour delay, test what works best.

Browse Abandon Flow (views product and leaves):
30-120 minutes, test what works best.

Cart / Checkout Abandon Flow (adds to cart / checkout and leaves):
15-60 minutes, test what works best

Post Purchase Flow (makes purchase):
NO time delay (send a post purchase thank you immediately)

Winback Flow (hasn’t purchased in some time):
Depends… I typically say do 2x the average customer buying cycle. If a customer typically makes a purchase 45 days after their prior, have your winback email fire 90 days after purchase.

Follow Up Email Delays

These are my recommended time delays to separate emails within your flow.

Welcome Flow (joins list): 
1-3 days, start at 1 day apart and as you go on extend out.

Site Abandon Flow (views site and leaves):
1 day, but I typically recommend just 1-2 emails in this flow.

Browse Abandon Flow (views product and leaves):
1-2 days, keep it close while you have their attention.

Cart / Checkout Abandon Flow (adds to cart / checkout and leaves):
1-2 days, they almost made their purchase so be persistent!

Post Purchase Flow (makes purchase):
3-4 days, spread out emails as they already bought.

Winback Flow (hasn’t purchased in some time):
7-14 days, send consistent reminders.


These are just recommendations.

Use your best judgement on what time delay makes sense to you and then test off of that.

Banger new YouTube video dropped yesterday.

If you want to destroy your Black Friday records, watch this video.

Email Inspiration Of The Day

Blue Bolt

Email Design:

Love the email concept here and how it was executed.

It asks a few questions about the customer and gives them product reccs based on what they are into.

Gives the customer a mix up in the types of emails they are receiving to keep them on their toes.

Plus it feels personal to them.

Great stuff!

Hero Section Template #19

Great hero section if you’re doing a product highlight email.

If you want access to a bank of 100 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here » 

PPS - If you run an ecom brand and want to have a 15 minute strategy session with me, book a call here »