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My Favorite Email Frameworks
Some inbox inspiration that will generate sales without discounts
The Inbox Newsletter
Email Frameworks That Print Cash On Demand
Hello all, Max from The Inbox Newsletter again for Tuesday’s edition.
I’ve been thinking a lot about ecom profits lately.
So today I wanted to share a few of my favorite emails to send that will generate as much revenue as sales emails but without a discount.
We talked about Microtopics last week, now we’re going to go a bit more in-depth with some of my favorites.
Let’s get into it.
PS - I’ve gotten some replies about my emails landing in spam for some folk. Would you mind replying to this email “YES” to help others be sure they are able to see this invaluable content for free? Thanks!
Framework #1: FAQ
An FAQ is a Frequently Asked Question.
What we want to do is create a full email addressing ONE faq.
Not 10, 5, 3, or even 2.
Just one.
This way we can go a bit deeper into it and make sure the customer is for sure getting one takeaway from the email.
If you throw too many at them at once, they won’t learn anything.
Think of yourself as an alien from Mars who just came to earth and just found out about your product.
How long does it take to work? What’s the shipping info? What does this ingredient do? How many people have used it?
Framework #2: Note From The Founder
A note from the founder is exactly how it sounds. An email from the founder to the list.
Nobody wants to buy from a faceless brand.
People want to buy from people.
And people love to support “small businesses”.
Even if you aren’t small, you can give the illusion that you are. This makes people much more likely to buy.
By getting the founder involved, you stand out from other brands.
Creating a text-based email from the founder giving some personal recommendations can absolutely crush.
And it will make the customer feel special at the same time.
Super easy to execute, and highly effective.
Framework #3: How To Use
The How To Use email can kill two birds with one stone.
For one, you answer a customer question and remove uncertainty about your product.
This will be helpful to prospective customers who haven’t bought and may have an objection about the ease of use.
And two, you can add this email to your post-purchase flow to people who buy your product to educate them.
You want to make it seem really simple, to the point that even a Neanderthal could understand it.
Lay out the steps one by one.
BONUS - reframe it as “How To Get The Most Out of XYZ”.
This is a slightly different angle that can be even more effective. Customers will find this valuable and will get more value out of your product.
Get 29 Free Frameworks, Swipe File of 84 Effective Emails, ChatGPT Prompts, and More
If you didn’t see my email yesterday I gave out this 50+ page doc for free. If you didn’t see it I’ll attach it here.
Email Inspiration Of The Day
Liquid Death
Email Design:
Did this copy make anybody else lol?
Liquid Death consistently puts out emails with amazing copy and a unique voice.
Love the angle they took here. THIS is why they have such a powerful fan base.
They are literally just selling water you could get from the sink.
But the branding and unique marketing is why they are worth hundreds of millions.
The only issue with this email is conversions. The button is way too low.
We could make this email even better by putting a button directly under the body copy.
A/B Test Result of The Day
Variation A (Left):
Welcome Email #1 with top contents left aligned and shop now button on the left side of the screen.
Variation B (Right):
Welcome Email #1 with top contents center aligned and shop now button in the middle of the screen.
Okay, this may seem silly to you, but these little differences can make a huge difference on email performance.
All we tested was center-aligned vs left aligned for the hero section of this email.
We found that having a center button makes a real difference on conversions just for ease of clicking.
Make sure all your emails are focused on centered aligned header sections!
Helpful Links Of The Day
Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.
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