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Building GymShark's Klaviyo From Scratch 📝

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey all it’s Max here with The Inbox.

Today we’re going over a timeline of how I’d build GymShark’s email strategy from scratch.

I’m making a YouTube video extending on this but you guys get first access.

We’ll be using my Agency’s ACE framework - Analyze, Create, Elevate.

Let’s get into it.

Analyze (Days 1-7)

Brand and Email Evaluation

Step one is getting info on the brand, customer, marketing voice, etc.

By filling out a Kickoff Form and having an in-depth Kickoff Call, we’d get all the info we need.

During these first few days we’d be in teh backend getting our ducks in a row, gathering and organizing all photo and graphic assets.

Klaviyo Audit

Then, we’ll run a Klaviyo audit to find the lowest hanging fruit we can clean up.

We’ll also be looking into angles, emails, and styles that have worked in the past so we can replicate them.

Mapping Automated Flow Journey

From there, we’d map out a 40-60 email automated system covering all aspects of the customer journey from joining the list, to abandonments, to post-purchase upsells and cross-sells.

30-60 Day Campaign Calendar

Now that the flows are planned out, we can plan the campaigns.

By sending the GymShark team a campaign events form, we’d get important events such as product releases and sales we can build our calendar off of.

Our strategy always focuses on micro topics and education.

We would send emails 3-4 times per week, focusing on educating the customer on micro topics of information, rather than throwing whole essays at them.

Angles such as:

  • Customer review highlights

  • Gym Outfit of The Day

  • What makes XYZ breathable for the gym

  • Best workouts for cutting

Create (Days 7-45)

Pop-Up Form Creation

Right off the bat we would get them new pop-up forms that would convert at minimum 6% of website traffic into email subscribers.

Their form now is iffy… and asks too many questions.

We would split to only ask for their email and change the trigger to be 6 seconds after page load (as well as improve design)

Building All Core Flows

We would execute the flow strategy we made in the Analyze phase, creating all 40-60 emails starting with the Welcome Flow and then to the Abandonments.

We’d write the copy, design the emails, review and quality check them, then send to their team to get reviewed before uploading to Klaviyo.

New flows would be send every couple days until they are all complete.

Executing on Campaign Calendar

While the flows are being built, we are still running campaigns 3-4 times per week.

We would create and then deliver designs 3-4 days before the email is scheduled to go out so their team has enough time to review, but it’s not too far out to where changes could occur.

Our designs would be simple and focused on one customer takeaway.

Their current designs show A LOT of products, which could be overwhelming the customer.

(The customer is funny, they like having options but they hate making decisions).

We’d A/B test showing 3-4 products per email vs what they usually do of 6-8 to see what the data says.

Elevate (Days 45+)

Minimum 3 A/B Tests Per Week

Especially with a new account, you need to be A/B test maxxing to get as much data as you can.

We always run 3 A/B tests per week per client across pop-ups, campaigns, and flows and report on them every week.

Continued Campaign Execution

We would operate at 3-4 campaigns per week while we’re getting flows build out then after ramp up to 5-7 campaigns per week to see if that has a difference in performance.

For a big brand, they may be better off sending more.

As we continue to test and learn more about the customer we would be optimizing our designs and copy accordingly.

Updating Flows

There are two effective ways for updating flows over time:

  • A/B testing

  • Adding winning campaigns to flows

We would do both.

When we first set up flows we didn’t know much about the brand and how the customer responds to different messages.

However, as we get constant campaign data in we learn more about what converts the best.

As top performers and angles start coming in, we’d constantly be adding to flows.

Of course, also adding any extra flows and integration flows we need to build out that their team requests.

That’s all there is to it!

This is a tried and true process we’ve used for our clients so this wouldn’t change for GymShark.

GymShark, if you’re listening… you should work with us (we’ll do it for free) 😉 

My Biggest News Ever

Be ready for some big news soon…

Been working behind the scenes for months on something I think you’ll like.

Stay tuned.

Email Inspiration Of The Day


Beauty of an upgraded email focused on conversion.

Notice how EASY it is to click the buttons (especially the large one at the top)

We introduced more urgency and showed the 60% OFF higher in the email so everybody can see the incredible offer.

Then, we showed the products stacked on each other with clear buttons and displayed the colorways.

A big win is adding the buttons in the footer for shopping men’s for women’s, this will pick up a ton of clicks for people who want to keep browsing but don’t want winter sale items.

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you’re an ecom brand doing over $50k per month interested in working with my full stack email marketing agency, book a call here.