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  • Black Friday Ecommerce Tips ✅

Black Friday Ecommerce Tips ✅

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

Black Friday is quickly approaching…

Here are some tips to get the most out of the season.

Your Work in Q3 Determines Your Results in Q4

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…


Before you know it, you’ll be knee deep in Q4 chaos and throw together a lack luster strategy.

Take advantage of the time NOW.

Use Different Offers

Black Friday is now more than just “Friday”.

Many brands will be promoting offers starting the beginning of November.

I would recommend doing something similar, but not to that extent.

My go-to layout is:

  • Early Access 1 week before Black Friday which lasts 7 days

  • Black Friday which lasts 3-4 days

  • Cyber Monday which last 3-4 days

You want to make sure you have different offers for each.

This will keep your list engaged and not feeling like they are seeing the same thing over and over again.

Types of Offers

Discount Offers

  1. Sitewide Discounts: Offer a flat percentage discount on all products (e.g., 20% off everything).

  2. Product Specific Discounts: Frame as "up to XX% OFF" and have different deals to encourage browsing.

  3. Tiered Discounts: Increase the discount based on the amount spent (e.g., 10% off $50, 20% off $100, 30% off $200).

  4. Alternating Flash Sales: Limited-time discounts on select products or categories, changing every few hours.

Bundle Deals

  1. Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO): Offer a free item with the purchase of another.

  2. Product Bundles: Create special bundles at a discounted price (e.g., a skincare set, tech bundle).

Release A New Product in November

This is something that needs a lot of prep but is highly successful.

Start developing a new product or collection now and make it a Black Friday special with exclusive deals.

This will separate you from the crowd even more… because most brands aren’t planning their BFCM offers until October.

Plan now and you can make this possible.

Send Multiple Emails in One Day

So many people will be sending emails… every brand will be reviving their list and trying to send resulting in your emails getting buried.

Focus on sending one email in the morning and one at night to make sure you are getting the attention and traffic you need.

EXTRA POINTS - Resend emails to non-openers same day (I’m releasing a Black Friday guide on YouTube soon and will have a video tutorial on how to do this)

Update Your Flows

You’re going to want to update your flows to have tighter time frames and be specific to your offer.

This has a HUGE effect on conversions.

Just use 3-4 emails per abandonment flow and welcome flow and have them separated by a few hours with extreme urgency.

Don’t worry about being spammy… Black Friday is the only time of year you can get away with being scammy lol

Look out for a Black Friday guide being dropped on YouTube this week going more in-depth on these points and a ton of extra info and tips!

Email Inspiration Of The Day


Email Design:

This is a great and creative email to plug into your welcome flow, your post purchase flow, and send as a campaign once a quarter.

Drive people from email to SMS so you can have multiple touchpoints with your customers.

More touchpoints, more revenue 💸

Bridge Section #32

This is a great bridge section to throw into your email and add supporting text.

The more creative you get and the more you mix things up the more engagement you’ll get!

If you want access to a bank of 100 mix and match templates like this equating to over 5,000+ possible email designs, click here » 

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here » 

PPS - If you run an ecom brand and want to have a 15 minute strategy session with me, book a call here »