5,000,000+ Free Icons

The Inbox Newsletter

Hey it’s Max from The Inbox Newsletter.

Quick email today!

I get a lot of questions on how to get icons and this tip changed my life.

It’s a free resource with 5,000,000+ icons you can use.

People Loooove Icons

Icons are great.

People love them.

You should be icon maxxing in your emails.

Rather than doing simple lists of your product benefits or features… include icons.

They’ll bring your design to life more than you think.

AND help email skimmers understand your points without reading too closely.

The Noun Project is a free website with 5,000,000+ icons and an effective search bar.

My team uses it for all of our icons.

Shouldn’t be free for what you get.

Check it out!

Email Inspiration Of The Day


Look at how much the emoji icons bring this email to life.

Turns any list into an engaging section.

Emojis will work for some brands but for others use more official ones like in the website I gave above.

Reply to this email if you have any questions or further content you want covered.



PS - If you want to join a community of 100+ members with daily tips from me, get feedback / support 24/7, AND get design templates that can make 5,000+ unique email designs click here »